Retrogrades to Right Upside Down ~ 6 Apr 2020

There is an irony to Capricorn’s perspective, heightened by this past weekend’s Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. China, the presumed source of the virus, now ships ventilators to hospitals in the United States to save lives. If a person wants to order medical masks, now finally recommended, and/or hand sanitizer packs those products likely will originate from China.

We are now officially past the guesstimation free zone of Mercury to Neptune in Pisces where we learned that no one really knows how bad this will get... or if it will fail to achieve worst case projections. There are a heap of speculative figures out there in terms of numbers of cases that will occur, numbers of souls that will depart bodies, and how long this damn virus will persist. The point of those projections seems to be intended to promote compliant behavior with antiviral spread techniques and to stir enough of a frenzy for people to take COVID-19 seriously.

As well, we just completed Jupiter to Pluto in Capricorn. On its heels in the U.S. we’re hearing comparisons to previous landmark historic tragedies lie in the weeks ahead. That may be true. And now that we’re braced for impact, many astrologers warn that we have two more Jupiter to Pluto conjunctions yet to come this year. Cheered up yet?

Some stargazer forecast the clearing of the air with Jupiter retrograding into conjunction to Pluto again on 29 June. Sure Mars is at zero degrees of Aries at that point, too. Is this a transit pattern that says “All clear?” What if it a trend toward normalization of life can commence sooner?

Wait, there’s still another Jupiter to Pluto later this year... 12 November, coincident with the Mars stations to return to prograde motion in mid-Aries. Would this be the final “all clear?” Can we wait that long?

Isn’t that two days after the U.S. elections? Yes, it is. Hopefully, in the U.S. people made their vote count despite lingering virus considerations, such that there’s no “buyer’s remorse” on the heels of the election. Is it possible that we could see a resurgence of COVID-19 at this point? Possibly, but it is also likely that we’ll be able to do something more to recover from it at this point - perhaps in the antibody realm given Nessus and Neptune in Pisces. As this last conjunction takes place, COVID-19 can finally move abeam of our concentrated attention and into the rear view mirror... where it still must be given ample awareness.

Now, previously I contended that the news of the Sun to Eris in Aries (on Easter) will bring news of relief. It is hinted the death rate in New York may be peaking. I suspect that other hopeful numbers appear at this time. Yes, this will not last forever, and life someday, will resume some normalcy. This can be seen by this transit. Clearly, this was Trump’s desired time line for restrictions being lifted. Instead, we will likely hear the more cautious projection that the situation is being monitored and perhaps, maybe, it could be that some restrictions will ease soon - whatever soon means. At least the promise of the light at the end of the tunnel appears here. Take note. Additional shifts intend to ride a shift toward hopefulness.

On 24 April Mercury comes up to align with Eris in Aries. Here more promise of isolation reduction gets issued. The NFL Football season normal schedule claim will likely receive a double-down mantra. Promises that beaches will be open soon. All of that is likely to occur. Not now, but soon.

Two days later, 26 April, the Sun and Uranus align in Taurus. Legislators battle if another financial relief package can be offered. The clusterflux of promised relief packages should be in full swing. Likely the market will have cratered and at this point inch toward hints of recovery. Investors will want to be optimistic again... free to weird money as they would wish. The caution of this time frame is that economics may spin a not so cautious series of decisions regarding how we deal with the virus.

The late April transits stir hopefulness in people. The fear of the Jupiter to Pluto alignment and what ills may result yield to real numbers that clearly indicate where we are with the current state of the pandemic. Where it still expands, where it flattens and where it wanes. For the first time, things feel not quite so overwhelming.

So, not so overwhelming ahead and some hope that confirms we will get through this. Cool. Okay, so looking ahead...

Most agree that the virus turned the world and our lives upside down. Venus retrogrades in 36 days - the most rare of retrogrades in our solar system. Ceres similarly turns tracks in July. Mars retrogrades in September - the second rarest of the planets to be retrograde. Normally we look at retrogrades as setbacks, reversals of fate, snafus and things turned upside down. Fine. Let’s use the upside down of this year thus far as the norm. That way, this year the personal planets going retrograde will be to our individual and collective benefit, turning upside down right side up. It would seem the retrogrades bring about rescheduling of postponed events. As well, they will sanction the fruits of labors conducted in quarantine, seclusion, separation and/or isolation.

Presently it’s remains emotionally funky out there. While in isolation you may not feel like being creative. Escapist activities make more sense. You can hold that thought or a similar mindset only until Mercury darts into Aries. This gives you until Friday, Good Friday, to remain funked out. Then, it’s bootstraps time. By Friday Venus will go retrograde in slightly more than a month. What will you be able to present to the world in 36 days that does a body good, satisfies your creativity, and makes the world a better place? You going to be ready to riff?

So here are some tips for the upcoming personal planet retrogrades (including Ceres as one of those), as well as a few trends and effects that we might see.

Venus Retrograde

Whatever you have in your arsenal of creations, skills sets you cultivated, money makers you’ve envisioned or whatever, get on with getting it out there. You know what? New ideas and brilliant creativity will be welcomed during this transit. Need to ask for money? Go for it.

Collectively, stimulus packages, loans, grants all that stuff. All bets are off. You can make your case to acquire the money you need, have debt relieved or what have you, given you brought something to table to offer as a valuable commodity - tangible or intangible. As long as what you’ve dreamed up or devised is awesome, expect more awesome response than normal.

Ceres Retrograde

Personally, Ceres in Pisces for this next retrogrades supports you in removing “doormat” as one of your character attributes. Ceres demands that a stand be taken to extract and eliminate any hints of can’t do conscious or feelings of other coming in to take from you whatever they please. Ceres wants emotions and reactions that do not further to be placed in the psychic toilet. Flush twice.

The commencement of Ceres retrograde follows the Jupiter retrograde conjunction to Pluto by but a few days. Oversight for how the COVID-19 pandemic was handled commences in a big way. Sanctions against China for non disclosure of the reality and impact of the virus will be tossed about. Trade and commerce resets and punishment for price gouging becomes a thing. Any politician or world medical organization that did not respond well should expect to be called to task.

Mars Retrograde

Okay, normally Mars retrograde is a flashing red light: Stop!. This time, though the red light still flashes. it’s stop, look, listen, react and when the coast is clear make hay. Mars retrograde signals that as far as 2020 goes, daylight’s burning. The year is not lost, especially by those who enthusiastically engage with every opportunity at the time it appears.

Here’s a non-astrological sounding prescription... forget about the void of course moon, something out of bounds or the 18th harmonic of something or other than may be affecting umptyclunch. When the road is clear, when you’re prepared, when the fire under your posterior burns abundantly hot, when the gut says now is the time, engage. Realize this Mars retrograde is a get-off-your-duff zone and get your goals engaged era of activity and effort.

Hints of relief are coming soon. Pay attention and savor those as much as the other not so optimistic reactions thus far applied. Cultivate your crafts. Hone your skills. Engage your talents. Soon, doors and windows will simultaneously open, though from the opposite direction they normally do.

Stay tuned!